Lonestar design by Robert Tatum

Lonestar Test Preparation

GRE Text Completion Techniques

(Filling in blanks using sentence context)

The sentences in the sentence completion sections of the SAT and GRE are not normal sentences. The information you use to fill in the blank must always come from the sentence itself, not from outside knowledge or common sense.

Put your own word in the blank (recycle terminology when possible), and eliminate any answer choices that don't match your word.

Use the information in the sentence that talks about the same thing the blank talks about. This is usually the most descriptive part of the sentence and is often separated grammatically from the blank by some sort of punctuation.

  1. In his latest analysis, he allowed a number of -------- results to slip by.
  2. Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, he allowed a number of -------- results to slip by in his latest analysis.
  3. Usually the first to spot the most significant data points, he allowed a number of -------- results to slip by in his latest analysis.

Notice grammatically important words and punctuation marks. Look for words that signal contrast such as "but," "however," "although," and "despite."

  1. Despite the fact that the two politicians belonged to different political parties, they ------ the issue of how to finance the town debt.
  2. Because the two politicians belonged to different political parties, they --------- the issue of how to finance the town debt.

Do one blank at a time. For SAT Sentence completions with two blanks, usually it's best to do each blank separately, starting with the blank that's easier to make up a word for.

  1. Although Turner is very outspoken on issues she cares about, she is not --------; she concedes the -------- of opposing arguments when they expose flaws inherent in her own.

However, sometimes you have to look at how the blanks relate to each other:

  1. Despite the fact that the two politicians belonged to ------- political parties, they ------- the issue of how to finance the town debt.